Friday, 13 April 2007

returning after MIA

Wow 4 children is finally catching up to me not sure where I am going to make time when I have 5 little souls to look after.
The boys have been on easter holiday so it has been difficult keeping 4 of them entertained without driving myself mental. It has surely been a long 2 weeks to say the least.

On the other hand I have gotten some well deserved stitching done and have to just take pics and post them them off to the people they are going to so I am doing well on that side.

Connor is doing some major spring cleaning inside, I think he has re arranged most of my internal body parts as nothing feels like they sitting where they belong. He has been so active these last couple of days my stomach is even feeling bruised, hope he is of a milder nature when he finally makes his appearance. I cant wait now for the big day - I think we finally down to 30 odd days but need to double check that :)

Thursday, 5 April 2007

So this morning I woke up to some weird noise outside.....yup the dirt trucks ......since when do they work on Good Friday ? ain't is a public holiday for EVERYONE ? Now I have 2 bins that wont be emptied for another 2 weeks because I did not put them out thinking they would not come today.
Dunno what upsets me more that or the fact they woke me up at 6am on a day I could sleep late.

So its official we are finally on the 32week Mark, this pregnancy has been a breeze - in fact most days I forget I am pregnant until baby mo decides to rearrange my internal organs.

This week has flown past so quickly, today we dont have anything planned except for working in the garden I have decided to work out a play area for the smaller kiddies - so hoping Andy will take me through to toysrus today to get the stuff I need. I am sure much to his disgust lol.

Monday, 2 April 2007

Schools out and I am tired.......

First day of the holidays and one would swear it has been one of those never ending 6 week breaks.
I think the long weekend is catching up with me, lack of sleep does wonders for your soul.

Today I treated the boys to a day out and some lunch in town, nothing fancy just good old macdonalds.
Great time was had by all and Brayden is now fast asleep after all that excitement.

Both older boys got fantastic reports and all their subjects except for 1 they are achieving higher than the national standard. I am really proud of the work they have put in at school.

Now for the rest of the day I am going to relax and get some stitching in while the washing machine does its job.
Then tomorrow I will be sitting stitching and watching Cricket !!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 1 April 2007

Sunday already..........

Never said I was very good at this blog thing, been a few days since I have posted ..Am I suppose to post everyday ???

Today was Tylers birthday party, granted his birthday was in Feb but the place he wanted to spend his birthday was booked solid for 4 months in advance, and the only slot we could get was a 10 am one on a Sunday morning.......truly they had this April fool covered.
great time was had by all.......Andy, Josh and I ended up playing 10 pin bowling while the party and quasar was in progress - No fun I tell you I got beat by a 6 year old but then again my excuse was I have a tummy that looks just like the bowling ball. I am sure I had a lot of patrons in hysterics.

Was a bit put out by one of the parents at the party, he was shocked to hear we were expecting #5 and wanted to know if we did not own a T.V !! have to say I thought it was kinda rude , but I guess not everyone understands the joys of having a large family............Ahhhhhhh the joys when all 4 heads are asleep on their pillows and the only sounds I hear are their heavy breathing as they drift off.......NOW that is a joy !!!!! lol.

but on a more pleasant note next month we have another bundle to put us through our paces ! 50 more days to be exact !!!!!!!!!!! yes this is a count down.