Never said I was very good at this blog thing, been a few days since I have posted ..Am I suppose to post everyday ???
Today was Tylers birthday party, granted his birthday was in Feb but the place he wanted to spend his birthday was booked solid for 4 months in advance, and the only slot we could get was a 10 am one on a Sunday morning.......truly they had this April fool covered.
great time was had by all.......Andy, Josh and I ended up playing 10 pin bowling while the party and quasar was in progress - No fun I tell you I got beat by a 6 year old but then again my excuse was I have a tummy that looks just like the bowling ball. I am sure I had a lot of patrons in hysterics.
Was a bit put out by one of the parents at the party, he was shocked to hear we were expecting #5 and wanted to know if we did not own a T.V !! have to say I thought it was kinda rude , but I guess not everyone understands the joys of having a large family............Ahhhhhhh the joys when all 4 heads are asleep on their pillows and the only sounds I hear are their heavy breathing as they drift off.......NOW that is a joy !!!!! lol.
but on a more pleasant note next month we have another bundle to put us through our paces ! 50 more days to be exact !!!!!!!!!!! yes this is a count down.
A day in february
8 years ago
1 comment:
some people! Happy Birthday Tyler! Of course we are all anxiously awaiting #5 to appear (and #6 and #7, and #8 hehehehehe) *wink*
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