Wow where do I begin ……..thank you all for the big congrats and well wishes Andy and I appreciate it and are over the moon.
Well everything hit the fan on Monday afternoon, after a lovely day shopping with my parents I started getting this weird shooting pain on the left side from just under the breast going straight down into my abdomen and scar at first I did not think anything of it but then realized that the movements had decreased since the weekend. I did not bother phoning the midwife because she is useless. So I called the hospital and explained to them how I was feeling etc and that baby had slowed down a lot in the movement department so they asked me to come in just so they could run a trace on him.
Anyway I arrived at the hospital about 5pm and sat and waited for what seemed forever……..they put they monitor on and everything seemed great heart rate was super and there was many movements but they were worried about the pain and decided to keep me in over night.
Finally got to bed at 11pm and it sucked as I was knackered and in pain and still had no idea what the heck was going on.
Anyway the next day the pain was still there and when they did a urine test they flipped and said it looked like a rainbow – I had traces of protein, white blood cells and something else but can’t think right now what it was so they sent that off for testing and decided to take some bloods as well. To keep things on the safe side they then decided to send me in for a renal scan as well as another ultrasound to make sure everything was alright with baby... renal scan was fine my kidneys were ok then when I went off for the ultra sound the first person I thought of was Snoots and how she would kill me if I did not ask them to double check if all the bits where there. So anyway I was busy talking to the woman and she was telling me baby looked fine etc etc and could not see any problems so I said to her make sure all his bits are in the right place and she said NO so I still thought how rude, it would not kill her since she was in that area anyway I carried on talking to the other midwife and we were discussing the boys and “Connor” so the lady doing the ultra sound kept giving me weird look so she asked me if I was told the sex at the last ultra sound so I said no because baby had his legs closed but I knew it was another boy as we had 4 already, she looked at me again and said do you want to know the sex ? So I said yes – that’s why I asked you to check all his bits were in order and she said NO again, huh? she said NO he has no bits As he is in fact a she – I nearly had heart failure on the table to tell you the truth the next was all kind of a blur all I know is she showed me the spot where the bits where missing !!!!!!!! And I burst into tears. Anyway now I was in pain and in shock and a bit of denial.
I still got back to the hospital ward and phoned Andy and my parents, we decided to keep it from the boys as I wanted to surprise them with the news.
Anyway they did not want me to go home until they got all the tests back as they still had no clue what was going on.
Tuesday night all heck broke loose……..or so to speak, I had the most unbearable pain and just could not take it anymore..everytime Madison would move I would want to die as the pain would increase about 1am they monitored me again and she was moving ten to the dozen and her heart rate increased from 127 right up to 175 so they were a bit concerned about that but decided to keep me monitored and on oral morph which is a lighter dose of morphine.
By 5am I was in so much pain so they decided on a shot of morphine straight in the thigh so by 6 am I had had 15 mls of oral morph 4 painkiller tabs and a dose of morphine I was totally out of it my words were slurring I could not focus and then I started to panic because she had not moved in hours and although her heart rate was ok she was very still and the pain remained.
Then the day doctor came on and basically that’s when I lost it and threw my toys out the cot.
She came in and reviewed the night docs reports etc etc ….and said to me that she cant see where the pain is coming from because the u/s and the bloods showed everything was fine etc and it WAS BAFFLING !!!!! flip I lost it and basically told her she could get stuffed – how dare she say there should not be pain when I was in pain she then vanished and called the head dr on duty who also could not come up with a reason I should be in pain and they have one of 2 choices they could deliver Madison which they were not keen on doing as she was not 38 weeks yet or they could keep me in and run some more test and keep me comfortable. Well I let him have it as well but I don’t think I was very pleasant as I was still high as a kite from all the drugs and told him their patient care stank and I know that my baby is fine and do they think I would really put her at any risk but I felt that by the amount of meds they had me on was doing more harm than good…..well the old fart said he would review the case after lunch and let me know then what they planned on doing. Anyway I called Andy and told him I did not know what was happening but if he wants to come at lunch time they might decide to do my section then but it was not confirmed and they still Had 2 emergency and 3 electives to do before they would get to me….thinking okie dokie no rush ….this was about 9/10am…….I was busy coming in and out of my little druggie sleep when all of a sudden the midwives were moving things around and sorting my bags out and handing me tabs to take, I Was on my way to surgery……..wth no one knew what was going on and thank heavens I called andy and he was on his way home so he came straight to the hospital by the time he got there I had signed consent forms was shaved and being wheeled into theatre.
1.04pm Madison Grace was born weighing in at a whopping 5lbs2oz or 2.620kgs she is so dinky and I still cant believe she is a little girl.
But the drama did not end there – while they were doing the C-section they knicked my bladder so I had to have that repaired and have a catheter in which has to stay in for another week then I need to go back into hospital to make sure it is all healed etc. The Drs still insist they don’t know what caused the pain, but I overheard the midwives talking that my bladder had attached itself to my uterus and that was causing the problems so now I am not sure if that is the case and the Drs are trying to save face – Andy and I both seem to find it weird that for being reviewed I was rushed in before the 3 electives and on the paper work it says emergency C-section. I don’t know if they discovered anything or what the hell happened!!!!!!!! Even though it bugs me that I got treated that way and probably won’t know what the heck happened we just happy it all went ok and we have a lovely little girl who has Dad and her brothers wrapped around her little fingers already.
It was so sweet though we had decided not to tell the boys until she was born and then to surprise them. Anyway Andy told them they were going to see me in hospital because I was missing them so on Wednesday evening when they came to the hospital I was holding Madi and their faces was total shock they still did not know she was girl at that stage so they came rushing to see Connor and when I told them to say hello to their little Sister………Keagan burst into tears.. I got such a fright did not know what the heck was going on so when he finally calmed down he was saying he was crying because he was so happy he never thought he would ever have a little sister he was just so happy.
Anyway that’s my long and involved story.
As for the name – Daddy chose the name Madison May but I liked Grace instead and thought Madison May M....our surname just had too many M’s in it. To tell you the truth he could have named her winnie the pooh and I would not have bothered because I was in so much pain and so drugged up. It suits her though she is just so darn dinky I am so scared I am going to break her.
So far she has been a good baby but I am sure that will change with time !! the last 2 nights she has slept from 2 am to 7am and I keep having to wake her to feed. She likes her sleep. I am sure once her morphine over load wears off we will find out how life with little Madison is going to be.
Still it has not completely set in we have a little girl. And she is nearly naked as we have nothing for her to wear so we still have to go and do some shopping for her. My parents have gone a bit overboard and bought but I also want to go out and get her some outfits lol.
Well that’s about it really !!!!!!!!
A day in february
8 years ago
Congratulations! I am so so overjoyed for you!!! Welcome Madison Grace!!!
My Zoe Anna Grace was only 5lbs too :) It is tiny isn't it, but don't worry, you won't break her (((Hugs)))
They seem so much smaller than boys but they're just as strong (at least that's what my friends with girls tell me lol ;). Congratulations again and have fun shopping!! ((Hugs))
BIG CONGRATULATIONS from all of us... we are all very happy for you and your family and wish you the best of luck... BIG hugs for Madi and little kissies...
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